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Systematic pelvic floor exercises with the Ring Muscles, strengthens weakened muscles and malfunctioning organs and limbs.


The lower pelvic muscles hold the uterus in place, among other issues. However, if fatigue passes a certain limit-and this limit is different for everyone-the shoulders fall forward, the curves in the spine at the small back and the neck get deeper and the uterus drops. Exercising the Paula Method are as the research bellow suggest, the best solution for Prolpse of the Uterus and related ailments and discomfort.


Paula method of circular muscle exercises for urinary stress incontinence–a clinical trial done in Hadasa Hospital in Jerusalem by Dr. Michal Libergal and others.


The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of the Paula method of circular muscle training in the management of stress incontinence (SI). The theory behind this method states that activity of distant sphincters affects other muscles. In a pilot study, 59 women, mainly hospital employees, were randomly assigned to participate in exercises according to the Paula method or pelvic floor training. Efficacy was measured by reports of incontinence, quality of life (I-QOL), pad test, and pelvic floor muscle strength (assessed by perineometer and digital examination). Both the Paula Method’s exercises and other methods produced significant changes in urinary leakage compared to baseline as measured by the pad test [mean decrease of 5.4 g (p=0.002) and 9.5 g (p=0.003), respectively]. Women randomized to the Paula method reported improvement in I-QOL scores. The Paula method was found to be efficacious for SI in a population of Israeli women. Larger community-based studies will be required to confirm these results and enable evaluation of between-group differences.

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